Applies to: FAST Reveal
FAST Reveal uses one audio signal to affect another, and so when using it you'll need to tell the plugin which signal should be used to cause the affected track to duck. Here are a few examples of how to do that in different DAWs once you have placed the plugin on the track you wish to be affected by the ducking. For more help using Reveal watch our video here.
In Ableton Live, this is selected with the Device Window, as shown:
For Live 9 see this video.
In Logic, it's selected in the top right of the plugin window:
In Reason, send the signal in via the additional inputs on the back of the device:
In Reaper, put the plugin on to a track then go to View > Routing Matrix (or press Alt R) and then using the routing tool on the track you wish to send the plugin to and send it to the track with the plugin on:
If routing has been successful you'll see metering for the In section:
In Cubase you must load the VST 3 version of FAST Reveal as in an insert on the track to duck, you can then use the Sidechain button:
In older versions of Cubase, you'll need to select the input track by selecting it as a Send:
To enable the sidechain signal in FL Studio follow these:
1. Enable detailed settings for the plug-in by clicking the cog icon in the top left of the window.
2. Click the Plug/Cog icon below to open the VST Wrapper settings.
3. Navigate to the 'Processing' pane.
4. Click 'Auto Map inputs' to assign the sidechain signal.
For more help, see this video: